

凯尔特人女足度过了忙碌的几周,在 2024/25 赛季之前有五名新援加入球队。中场球员香农·麦格雷戈率先入场,随后是才华横溢的年轻球员艾米·理查森。接下来是双胞胎姐妹西涅和玛蒂尔德·卡斯滕斯加入,之后后卫布鲁纳·洛伦索从葡萄牙体育俱乐部转会而来。女孩们本周也回到了巴罗菲尔德,主教练埃琳娜·萨迪库谈到了他们的季前准备工作:“显然我们有很多比赛,季前赛即将举行的训练课程。现在我们只需要在上赛季的基础上,将其转化为进步。“就像我之前说过的,这是新事物的开始,我们只想变得更好、提高、取得进步,并最终取得更多成功。” 立即购买早鸟季票并支持女孩们捍卫自己的冠军头衔,亲眼目睹本赛季的成功。

Together, we can roar Celtic Women onto more glory. If you haven’t yet become a Women’s Season Ticket holder, we invite you to come along and experience the fantastic family atmosphere, so you can be a part of the story and hopefully more title glory at the end of the 2024/25 season. It’s the perfect way for the whole family to support the Celts and really make a difference as the team embark on a new journey and keep daring to dream.So whether you are renewing or buying your first women’s Season Ticket, now is the time to show your support for Captain Kelly Clark and the rest of the Ghirls in their first defence of their league title – get your Season Ticket now.2024/25 Season Tickets provide excellent value with all SWPL games at the Ghirls home ground, Albert Bartlett Stadium, Airdrie. Supporters who purchase before 5pm on Monday, July 8 will benefit from an early bird offer of an extra 10% off your Season Ticket.            Standard Adult:  £130 – or buy before Monday, July 8 for £117            Child, 16 & Under:  £20 – or buy before Monday, July 8 for £18

Further information and FAQs relating to Celtic FC Women Season Tickets is available online via our Season Ticket Hub.VISIT THE SEASON TICKET HUBACCESSIBLE SEATINGThere are a number of accessible seating Season Tickets available at the Albert Bartlett Stadium. Should you require accessible seating, please send your request along via email to [email protected] and a member of the team will assist.

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