特色我们爱你利物浦:认识利物浦官方球迷俱乐部......昆士兰。 利物浦足球俱乐部在全球 100 个国家/地区拥有 300 多个官方 LFC 支持者俱乐部 (OLSC)。

特色我们爱你利物浦:认识利物浦官方球迷俱乐部......昆士兰。 利物浦足球俱乐部在全球 100 个国家/地区拥有 300 多个官方 LFC 支持者俱乐部 (OLSC)。

红军球迷以其热情和忠诚而闻名,无论是在默西塞德郡还是在远处观看,他们都会为男子和女子球队加油。我们的我们爱你利物浦功能旨在让支持者更加紧密地联系在一起,无论他们身在何处,都能更多地了解彼此。全球。无论是在英国和爱尔兰共和国、默西塞德郡、北美或南美、欧洲、非洲、亚洲、澳大利亚还是其他地方,球迷都是俱乐部赖以生存的基础。在这里,我们见到了 OLSC 昆士兰……

Tell us about the OLSC…Our group was formed with like-minded supporters, who would look for a place to watch a match with fellow supporters. Initially there was no official venue that we could call home. The founding members of OLSC Queensland noticed that they were the same people, who would appear at certain locations frequently to watch the Reds. Friendships made and our red family grew; resulting in regular catch-ups and eventually the OLSC Queensland was formed.We have a following of over 1,300 Facebook members and an increasing number of paid OLSC Queensland members. We love the inclusiveness of our range of memberships, including our family membership option, as we welcome the next generation of LFC supporters.The club was established in the early 2000s and awarded official status in October 2013 after the hard work undertaken by the committee at the time.How special is it to have the supporters club where you are?Being connected to Liverpool FC is merely an extension of a great big red family and in knowing we have the support of Liverpool FC. We meet for match nights, and we make this our own Anfield experience, as we sing our anthem and songs. Bearing in mind that we all come from various walks of life but when we are together, we are united through our love of Liverpool FC.We love the inclusivity of being 16,800 kilometres (10,440 miles) away from Liverpool yet still feel like an integral part of Liverpool FC. Representing Liverpool through our OLSC is a pleasure, a privilege and an honour and we know that we ‘never walk alone’.

Do you hold any special events?We try to hold as many match nights (however the time difference hampers us at times) as we can as these events are awesome. They bring together like-minded supporters both young and old. We proudly hang our banners and flags around our official venue: The Stock Exchange in Brisbane CBD. When Liverpool FC came to Brisbane in 2015, our OLSC proudly supported events and meet and greets with former players. Since that we have organised family events including the good old Australian BBQ and there is more to come.What is your favourite memory together as an OLSC?Our ability to gain match tickets for our supporters is a fabulous way to be able to get them to games. The experience of being at Anfield on a match night is not able to be explained adequately with words, the hairs stand up on the back of your neck. The comradery of meeting new red family members and the immense enjoyment when we celebrate a win. The ability to attend the OLSC black tie event at Anfield and represent the OLSC Queensland is something that OLSC Queensland members should experience if able too – it’s bucket list item.OLSC infoName: OLSC Queensland Location: Queensland, AustraliaHome bar: Stock Exchange Hotel, Brisbane CBDWebsite: olscqueensland.auFacebook: OLSC Queensland

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